domestic abuse & exploitation: bringing young people out of the dark & into the light of DAY
Popular culture moves at such a rate that often resources for young people fail to catch up with the latest shifts in their lives. DAY are committed to the ongoing support and equipping of those who have trained as Session Leaders. After attending DAY Training, Session Leaders get unlimited access to the DAY Hub which is regularly updated with new multimedia content, alongside the content required to run DAY Sessions. Also after attending DAY Training, Session Leaders will recieve seasonal EMAIL UPDAYTES which provide additional resources, research and practice information. The initial cost for DAY Training also covers all ongoing costs of being part of the DAY Community. There are no membership fees or licensing costs for any Session Leader to be part of the DAY Community. We are passionate about enabling young people to consistently recieve excellent information and for practitioners to be fully equipped with exciting and easy to use resources, and we don't want finances to be a barrier to Session Leaders accessing support and help when they need it.