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Within the UK 25% of girls and 18% of boys are subjected to physical violence by a boyfriend or girlfriend; 72% of girls and 51% of boys are subjected to emotional abuse by a boyriend or girlfriend.  It is clear that education for young people about domestic abuse is needed. 


The Government’s Ending Violence against Women and Girls Strategy (2016 - 2020) clearly states the need to raise awareness and educate about domestic abuse: "We will educate, inform and challenge young people about healthy relationships, abuse and consent. Working with partners like the PSHE Association, leading Head Teachers and other practitioners, we will ensure schools have access to effective and high quality resources for teaching about healthy relationships...Our refreshed strategic approach will support professionals to identify and deal with the earliest signs of abuse, stop violence before it happens, prevent abusive behaviour from becoming entrenched and perpetrators from moving from one victim to the next.”


Throughout the UK there are more and more horror stories regarding children and young people enduring sexual exploitation from adults.  Due to the way those who experience abuse are groomed by abusers, we feel it is important to ensure those working to address child sexual exploitation are equipped to educate at-risk young people about relationships, as the majority of victims of child sexual exploitation view their abuser as a "boyfriend".  


DAY is needed to enable this to happen; to ensure less young people are subjected to (or perpetrate) abuse; giving all young people a model for healthy relationships.

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